Academic Enrichment

The Academic Enrichment programs are sponsored by the Barton Hills Elementary PTA, thanks to the efforts of many volunteers and the support of our teachers and staff. These programs are in addition to and meant to enhance the regular school curriculum. Below is a description of each of these programs.

Cultural Arts

The Cultural Arts program brings various presentations throughout the year to our school, including programs by musicians, writers, and actors. These presentations are intended to broaden our children’s arts education. Events are added to our calendar as scheduling is finalized. Volunteers are often needed before and after events.


The PTA Reflections Program encourages our children to create works of art for fun and recognition. Presented with a theme, students are asked to submit a work of art for a school wide competition. Winners continue on to district/regional and possibly state levels. The Best-of’s continue on to a national competition! This PTA sponsored program is designed to encourage your child’s natural artistic talents.