Barton Hills News
BHE Thanksgiving Lunch
Families are welcome to join us for this BHE Tradition. Please purchase tickets in advance through the BHE Web Store.Eagle Update - 10/31/24
It's My Park Day, Veteran's Day, BHE Thanksgiving and more!Eagle Update - 10-31-24Eagle Update - 10/25/24
Carnival success, mock election, It's My Park Day, Thanksgiving at BHE and more! Eagle Update - 10/25/24Calendar of Events
BHE Thanksgiving Lunch
Campus Advisory Council Meeting
1964 Established
347 Enrolled (as of 09/01/22)
2022 Academic Distinction By TEA
100% SEL Seed Campus
100% No Place For Hate Campus
Nurturing and Growing Leaders: Through the use of innovative instructional methods and a challenging curriculum, Barton Hills Elementary will provide a quality education for successful life-long learners.